Information on the Amway Motivational Tools System
Are you tired of being deceived by the LTD Motivational Tools System? At UnplugLTDTools, we're dedicated to shedding light on the deceptive trade practices of LTD. As a former member of LTD, I experienced firsthand the false income claims and undisclosed compensation that have harmed so many individuals. It's time to take a stand and hold LTD accountable for their actions.
Our goal with this page is to provide an overview of the deceptive trade practices of LTD. We want to highlight the false income claims, undisclosed compensation, and the low profitability that many individuals have experienced as a result of their involvement with the LTD Motivational Tools System.
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
What are the false income claims made by LTD?
LTD has been known to coach their Amway Distributers to exaggerate the income and lifestyle of their upline to prospects in the marketplace. This leads many to get lured into Amway and LTD with false expectations of the upline that will "DIRECTLY" be coaching them. All the while, that upline will not have the lifestyle and income that was INITIALLY described to prospects out in the marketplace. This is illegal because it goes against the RICO Charge and FCA-(False Claims Act).
How does LTD fail to disclose the LTD compensation plan?
LTD withholds crucial information about their compensation structure, leaving Amway distributers below the Amway Platinum level in the dark about LTD tool revenue. In addition, even though Amway Platinums and above in LTD are receiving LTD tool revenue, they are not disclosing the LTD compensation plan and how it works. This is because LTD has no legal regulation or oversight whatsoever. This allows Larry Winters and the top leaders he personally appoints to do what they want illegally with the LTD tools system.
How is the income made from the LTD tools system distributed amongst the Amway higher pins that are apart of LTD?
The Amway Platinum level is where Amway Distributers begin to make income from the LTD Tools system. LTD tool revenue increases beyond the Amway Platinum level from that point on. Larry Winters ultimately decides the amount of income each Amway Platinum and above makes from the LTD Toos system.
Are Amway Distributers below the Platinum level the only ones getting cheated from the LTD tools System?
Unfortunately, no. The LTD Diamonds are taking most of the LTD tool revenue made from the Amway distribters in LTD that are Platinum and above & below the Diamond level.
What is the ratio of Amway revenue vs LTD tool Revenue from the higher Amway Pins apart of LTD?
80% of the income made from LTD higher pins comes from LTD tool revenue. The other 20% of the income made from LTD Higher Pins comes from Amway Supply Base revenue.
Is the LTD Tools Business Legal?
LTD has never been investigated. Because of this, it has never been deemed illegal of legal. However, LTD has been operating illegally behind closed doors for years due to having no legal regulation or oversight monitoring them.
Is their truly financial security with the LTD tools system?
Due to having no legal regulation or oversight, LTD can kick any Amway IBO out of the LTD tools business. This means LTD tool revenue can be taken and ripped away-(where the majority of money is made). Because of this, there is no financial security with LTD. If you get at odds with Larry Winters, income made from the LTD tools system as a Platinum and above can be taken away.
Is Doug Weir really a Diamond truthfully??
No, he is a member of the IBOAI board. Because of this, he is able to manipulate the points in his downline and qualify Diamond. Without doing all of this, he just a qualified Emerald.
Did Kevin & Amelia Schwers fake their Diamondship in 2021?
Yes, they are widely known as Fake Diamond Schwers. This couple transferred 5000 PV to their sixth organization that helped them qualify for Diamond in 2021. Their sixth organization for Diamond only had a one group inside that organization. That one group was only at the 2500 PV level.
Was the Waechter and Kopecky organization a legitimate Diamondship qualification?
No, Waechter went Diamond in 2005, and Kopecky went Diamond in 2019. The both of them during these times combined legs within their separate organizations to create qualified Paltinum and above legs to achieve Diamond.
Is Joe Markiewicz really a Double Diamond?
No, because he is the Chairman of the IBOAI Board, he is able to inherit Amway Platinum & above legs from China with Amway's consent to qualify Double Diamond. Without those legs from China, he is just a qualified Amway Emerald, and he is not as rich as he claims to be on LTD stages.
What are the methods the LTD Diamond Council uses to create fake Diamonships?
Good question.
- Leg Combination: Combining different legs in their downline into one leg to create qualified Platinum and above legs.
- PV Transfer: The "so called" LTD Diamonds can transfer their own personal PV for six months to one or two their legs in their downline to generate a qualified Platinumship and above. After six months, PV can be transferred back to the "so called" Diamonds.
- VCS: In today's world, using the VCS-(verified customer sales) feature LTD Diamonds can create fake invoices and recipts using their downlines info they have access to through their Amway website account. They can make it look like their downline bought their inventory, when in reality the LTD Diamonds by their own inventory themselves "claiming" it's their downline in order to transfer PV to their downline.
Is the Amway Platinum level as profitable as the LTD tools system claims to be?
No, many Platinums have several downline in their group churning no profit whatsoever. In addition, they share no profit and loss balance sheet to downline and prospects due to fear of being exposed at how little profit they are having. In addition, many Platinums go into debt to qualify Platinum to have their upline qualify a certain high pin level. Just ask David & Angie Franklin. One of their Platinum legs was a woman who went broke to achieve the Platinum level in order for them to go Diamond 2019. It still tares David Franklin up inside deservedly so for having that young lady go in debt.
History of the origins of the Amway affiliated Motivational Tools organizations by Sean Munger
Sean Munger Substack -
Sean Munger YouTube Piece on the Amway Tools Scam -
Sean Munger historic review of the Amway affiliated Motivational Tools organizations on Life After MLM Podcast -
Information on how higher pins get paid from Amway affiliated Motivational Organizations?
Hugh Zhang-(Emerald from Britt World-Wide) Information -
Jeff Probandt-( Emerald from the Dexter Yager Group) Information -
Ruth Carter-(former Amway IBO and employee/assistant for an Amway Diamond) -
Anna Garritano-(Q12 Platinum from LTD) Information -
Michelle Garrabito-(Ruby from Britt World-Wide) -
Merchants of Deception by Eric Scheibeler - (Former Emerald)
Facts about fraudulent activity taking place in the Des Moines, Iowa area from LTD
Take a Stand Against Deceptive Practices
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